
Converting font sizes to and from pixel-point-em-percent

How do you convert font sizes from pixel to point to em to percent? Here’s a conversion table to help you get the correct font size conversion.


I wanted to change the default font type and size that the Thesis theme is using, but I’m not familiar with the point font size unit, which is the default in Thesis. What’s the equivalent of a 10-point font size in pixels? Of course, I had to ask Miss Google for the answer.

I found a font size conversion table for different font size units that I think I can use. I’m posting it here to help others who are looking for the same. There is no exact conversion for these font sizes, so remember that the values in the table are approximate (not exact) values.

Points Pixels Ems Percent
6pt 8px 0.5em 50%
7pt 9px 0.55em 55%
7.5pt 10px 0.625em 62.5%
8pt 11px 0.7em 70%
9pt 12px 0.75em 75%
10pt 13px 0.8em 80%
10.5pt 14px 0.875em 87.5%
11pt 15px 0.95em 95%
12pt 16px 1em 100%
13pt 17px 1.05em 105%
13.5pt 18px 1.125em 112.5%
14pt 19px 1.2em 120%
14.5pt 20px 1.25em 125%
15pt 21px 1.3em 130%
16pt 22px 1.4em 140%
17pt 23px 1.45em 145%
18pt 24px 1.5em 150%
20pt 26px 1.6em 160%
22pt 29px 1.8em 180%
24pt 32px 2em 200%
26pt 35px 2.2em 220%
27pt 36px 2.25em 225%
28pt 37px 2.3em 230%
29pt 38px 2.35em 235%
30pt 40px 2.45em 245%
32pt 42px 2.55em 255%
34pt 45px 2.75em 275%
36pt 48px 3em 300%

Source: http://www.reeddesign.co.uk

If you find this post helpful or if you have comments, leave a note below. Also, if you know of a better conversion table (by better, I mean you have tried it yourself and it resulted in something good), let me know. I’m always looking for good stuff when it comes to design and WordPress use.

  1. Daniel Boone 13 years ago

    Thank you for giving such an important information regarding font
    convert. I have gone through your article this is very informative for
    me and also very useful. The conversion of font size pixel to
    point-EM-percent is very interesting.

    Thank you
    Convert Font

  2. Joan1911 14 years ago

    Hi Jay,

    Much like you I have been looking around for a conversion table to assist in adjusting from em to px so this is really handy to keep. Recently received a gift of a large screen and was horrified to see how my site reflected so now to do some more work in sorting that out.

    Cheers and thanks

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